Eric Ivison


Research Interests: Byzantine History


BA, University of Birmingham (England)

MA, University of Birmingham (England)

PhD, University of Birmingham (England)

Scholarship and Publications

Amorium Final Reports, Finds I: The Glass (1987-1997), by M.A.V. Gill, with contributions by C.S. Lightfoot, E.A. Ivison, and M.T. Wypyski (BAR International Series 1070:  Archaeopress, Oxford, 2002); contributing editor of volume, and co-author of Foreward, Introduction, and Concluding Remarks, pp. v-vi, 1-31, 259-264.

"The Amorium Project:  The 1998 Excavation Season," co-written and edited with C.S. Lightfoot, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 55 (2001), 371-399.
"Byzantine ceramic chalices:  an addendum," Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 25 (2001) 216-220.
"Urban Renewal and Imperial Revival (730-1025)," Byzantinische Forschungen 26 (2000), 1-46.
"`Supplied for the Journey to Heaven`:  A moment of West-East Cultural Exchange - Byzantine Funerary Chalices," Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 24 (2000), 147-93. 

"Burials and urbanism in Late Antique and Byzantine Corinth," in N. Christie and S.T. Loseby eds., Towns in Transition:  Urban evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Scolar Press:  Aldershot UK/Brookfield USA, 1996), 99-125.
"Latin Tomb Monuments in the Levant," in P. Lock and G.D.R. Sanders eds., The Midieval Archeology of Greece (Oxbow Monograph No. 59:  Oxford, 1996),  91-106.


Contact Information

Office: Building 2N Room 205
Fax: 718.982.2864