Professor Hendrickson is a political scientist who specializes in United States economic relations with West African countries. Her interests include US foreign policy, and international political economy. She is the director of the International Studies program at CSI.
PhD, Northwestern University
MA, Northwestern University
BA, University of Washington, Seattle
Promoting US Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Political Economy Series (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
“The Impact of Changing Global Power Relations on African Governance of Foreign Direct Investment,” in The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment in Africa edited by Toyin Falola and Jessica Achberger (Routledge Press, 2013).
“Adjustment in the Role of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Africa Today Vol. 58, No. 4 (Summer 2012).
“Africa and the West: Economic Globalization,” in Globalization and the African Experience edited by Emmanuel M. Mbah and Steven J. Salm (Carolina Academic Press, 2012).
“Globalization and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment in Africa,” in Development, Modernism and Modernity in Africa edited by Augustine Agwuele (Routledge Press, 2011).
Last Updated: 09.22.2015