Student Life

Go Beyond the Classroom

Don’t limit your college experience to classes alone. Life at CSI also allows you to gain knowledge and skills outside the classroom, giving you a wide range of opportunities to explore your interests, develop new ones, and to discover the world. Here is how to get involved on campus, in your community and to build lifelong memories.

group of students

We pride ourselves on programs and services that help you succeed in your college career and beyond.

Dolphin Balloons

Encouraging you to make a connection to the CSI community which enhances your educational experience.

athletics team

Intercollegiate & intramural sports for serious & recreational athletes. Use the Fitness Center to avoid the Freshman 15!

group of students around globe

Join one of more than 50 clubs and organizations (or start your own). Meet people, learn new skills and make lifetime memories.

Breast Cancer Research Initiative March

Make a difference - volunteer in the community. Through such growth experiences, gain the ultimate satisfaction: giving back.

CSI dorms

Students can opt for the new, luxurious Dolphin Cove dorms right on campus.