United Kingdom

You can experience fresh perspectives of diverse cities, uncover modern twists on historic icons, and where green spaces are full of unexpected gems. Whether it’s kayaking under Tower Bridge by moonlight, getting the inside scoop on Manchester's foodie scene, or laughing along at the 75th anniversary of the Edinburgh Fringe, Britain is bursting with opportunities to explore different every day. Reconnect with friends over eccentric takes on afternoon tea. Venture to new heights on Brighton’s south coast, or get a taste for how Cardiff’s chefs are transforming traditional Welsh delicacies. 

Our study abroad programs take place in:

  • Edinburgh
  • Liverpool
  • London

Study and Intern in London, England with the Foundation for International Education (FIE)


The Foundation for International Education's (FIE) program in London gives you the opportunity to experience firsthand a complex society through interdisciplinary coursework as well as tailored academic internships, service learning, and research opportunities. An international internship or service learning project provides an opportunity to experience working life in another country and challenges pre-conceived notions of cultures and the professional world. 

Additional features: classroom excursions, London Tube Pass, optional extra-curricular excursions/ events.

Information Sheet
Advisor Gonzalo Villena
Advisor Email Gonzalo.Villena@csi.cuny.edu
Minimum GPA 2.75
Class Standing 2 Sophomore, 3 Junior, 4 Senior, 6 Non-Matriculated
Min Required Number of College Credits Completed in Order to Apply 30
Language of Instruction English
Areas of Study Acting/Performance Art, Advertising, Art, Business, Business Information Systems, Communication, Creative Writing, Culture, Ecology, Economics, English, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Studies, European Studies, Finance, Fine Art, History, Humanities, International Business, International Relations, International Studies, Internships, Journalism, Liberal Arts, Literature, Management, Marketing, Music, Peace & Conflict Studies, Photography, Political Science, Politics, Psychology, Service Learning, Theater/Drama, Writing
Housing Option Dorm
Program Open to CSI Students, Non-CUNY Students, Other CUNY Students


Semester Academics

You will take an FIE Key Course, two to three elective courses, and your choice of one of the three pathways. Elective courses, which vary each semester, are generally offered in history, business, music, literature, and sociology. Field trips, guest lectures by London-based specialists, site visits, and other program activities are integrated into all FIE courses. Through FIE, you can arrange your study abroad program to fit your academic and post-graduation career goals.

FIE has courses in the following subjects:

  • Arts, Literature, and Theatre
  • Contemporary Britain
  • Global Business
  • Global Studies
  • History and Politics
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Media and Communications
  • Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice

You are also able to gain intercultural skills and boost your resume with an internship in London! An internship placement with a small-to-medium sized London company will provide you with the opportunity to experience working life in another country and gain skills in intercultural communication – a necessity in today’s global marketplace. Your International Internship Course (IIC) combines your work placement with classroom seminars to enable you to reflect on and analyze your experience.

Placement areas include:

  • Accountancy & Finance
  • Business & Economics
  • Communications
  • Education
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Fashion
  • Film & Television
  • Historical & Cultural Organizations
  • Information Technology & Multimedia
  • Journalism & Media
  • Legal & Justice Organizations
  • Music
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Social Welfare & Non-Profit Organizations
  • Theatre & Performing Arts

If you would like to participate in a Service Oriented Internship, the "Service in the City" Program may be more applicable. Service Interns have the best of both worlds: developing professional and cultural skills while also doing meaningful work and meeting passionate professionals. All students – even business-minded students – can benefit from the Service Internship experience.

Find out more about the three Semester options on the FIE website:

Summer Academics

There are three courses of study that students can participate in during the summer with FIE! Choose the option that works best for your academic and career goals.

  • London Summer Study & Internship
    • Take classes and gain intercultural experience through an internship in one of the most vibrant cities in the world! An international internship provides an opportunity to experience working life in another country and challenges pre-conceived notions of cultures and of the professional world. Take FIE's Key Course, British Life and Cultures, as well as the International Internship Course (IIC). You will begin your internship about a week into the program, splitting each week evenly between class work and placement time. See internship placement areas listed in semester academics above. Available for both Summer Session I & II.
  • Pages, Stages, Scenes, and Screens: British Culture from Shakespeare to Modern Media
    • This 5-week summer program explores British culture from Shakespearean times until modern day! Use London as your classroom during co-curricular activities around the city to historical and cultural sites such as Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, or Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. There are three courses offered to students on the Pages, Stages, Scenes, and Screens program: British Life and Visual MediaPhotojournalism: London through the Lens, and Shakespeare and Elizabethan Literature. The students will take 2 of these 3 courses and are asked to list them in order of preference on application. It may be that not all three courses run; hence, courses are determined by student preference
  • London Summer Study


FIE has 6 housing options within walking distance to the classroom facilities in Kensington. Students live in shared housing with one, two, or three roommates. Find out more about FIE Housing here.


FIE's Foundation House study center is located in the heart of London, in Kensington. One of London's most attractive and desirable locations, Kensington provides a beautiful, historic living and learning environment for students.

London is an extraordinarily exciting international city. Here are some quick facts!

  • More than 300 languages are spoken in London
  • London boasts more than 800 bookstores and 380 public libraries
  • With more than 170 museums, London is home to 3 of the top 10 museums in the world
  • There are more than 17,000 music performances each year in London's 300+ music venues
  • The Rosetta Stone is housed in the British Museum, one of the 11 national museums in London 


A minimum of a 2.75 GPA. Internships will require additional supplemental materials depending on the field you wish to intern in.

Dates & Costs

Below you will find the current dates and costs for all terms available. Please note all dates and costs are subject to change. Costs are for CSI/CCIS member schools.  Costs may be different for non CCIS & non CUNY schools. Check with CSI for these costs.

Term Dates Program cost
  • Spring 2025
  • January 8 - April 27, 2025
  • Program break: March 3 - 7, 2025
  •  $19,770
  • Summer 2025 -Session I
  • Mid-May - Mid-July, 2025*
  • TBD
  • Summer 2025 -Session II
  • Mid-June -  Mid-August, 2025*
  • TBD
  • Summer 2025 -Pages, Stages, Scenes, & Screens
  • Mid-June -  Late July, 2025*
  • TBD
  • Fall 2024
  • August 28 - December 15, 2024*
  • $19,270

* Summer/Fall 2025 costs TBD.  They will be similar to previous terms above.

Semester Program Cost Includes: FIE tuition and fees, Comprehensive on-site orientation, Zones 1 and 2 Tube pass for the duration of the program, Internship placement and supervision (if that option is chosen), Wireless internet access in all FIE’s facilities, Comprehensive medical insurance, Self-catered student housing, Temporary Imperial College Student Union membership, International Student House membership, Various course-related co-curricular activities, Access to a subsidized calendar of extra-curricular events, 24-hour emergency support, administrative fees, orientation in the U.S., sickness and accident insurance.
Semester Estimated Additional Costs: Airfare: $1,000-1,500, Personal Expenses $100 per week, visa fees (if applicable), Meals (inexpensive meal options are offered to students, including self-catering and Imperial College of London Student Union Membership with access to University cafeterias), Optional field excursions, Independent travel and expenses

Summer Program Cost Includes: FIE tuition and fees, Comprehensive on-site orientation, Zones 1 and 2 Tube pass for the duration of the program, Internship placement and supervision (if that option is chosen), Wireless internet access in all FIE’s facilities, Comprehensive medical insurance, Self-catered student housing, Temporary Imperial College Student Union membership, International Student House membership, Various course-related co-curricular activities, Access to a subsidized calendar of extra-curricular events, 24-hour emergency support, administrative fees, orientation in the U.S., sickness and accident insurance.
Summer Estimated Additional Costs: Airfare: $1,000-1,500, Personal Expenses $100 per week, visa fees (if applicable- ~$500 for Tier 4 Visa for Internship Programs), Meals (inexpensive meal options are offered to students, including self-catering), Optional field excursions, Independent travel and expenses

FIE provides scholarships based on course of study and diversity. Find more information and apply here.

Please ask for application cycles currently open, and any applicable extensions.

Application deadlines:
Summer: March 15
Fall: April 15
Spring: October 15

Arts and Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool, England


You will love studying in Liverpool, as it is one of the most affordable and safe student cities in the UK, and it is packed with attractions. There’s a legendary music scene that’s bigger than the Beatles; a city centre brimming with clubs, pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés; award-winning shopping facilities, museums, galleries and theaters, not to mention two Premier League football clubs, golf courses, beautiful parks and outstanding countryside just a short drive away. On this exchange program at Liverpool John Moores University, you will be able to engage with this exciting city and take advantage of exceptional education.  Please note this exchange program is open to CUNY students only.

Information Sheet
Advisor Gonzalo Villena
Advisor Email Gonzalo.Villena@csi.cuny.edu
Minimum GPA 2.75
Class Standing 1 Freshman, 2 Sophomore, 3 Junior, 4 Senior
Min Required Number of College Credits Completed in Order to Apply 12
Language of Instruction English
Areas of Study Accounting, Acting/Performance Art, Art, Art History, Biochemistry, Biology, Business, Business Design, Business Information Systems, Child Development, Communication, Communication Design, Computer Science, Creative Writing, Criminology, Dietetics & Nutrition, Economics, Education, Educational Administration, Engineering, English, Film, Geography, Health & Human Services, Health Science, Humanities, International Business, Liberal Arts, Literature, Management, Marketing, Mass Communications, Mathematics/Statistics, Media Studies, Physics, Psychology, Public Health, Sociology, Sports, Sports Science, Theater/Drama, Writing
Housing Option Dorm, Independent Housing
Program Open to CSI Students, Other CUNY Students




You will be required to take a full semester of coursework when attending LJMU, and can choose to take classes in a variety of subjects. These include:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Engineering
  • Biology, Biochemistry, and Biomedical Science
  • Business and Marketing
  • Computer Science and Computer Games Development
  • English and Creative Writing
  • Law, Criminology, and Forensic Science
  • Drama and Theater
  • Education Studies
  • Fashion
  • Geography
  • History
  • Journalism
  • Mathematics
  • Nutrition and Pharmacy
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Video Production and Media

To find out more about course offerings, view the online course directory.


Exchange students joining LJMU for the first semester of academic year 2019/20 will be able to see their accommodation options and send in a request from Monday 7 May 2019 onwards. On exchange programs you need to make your own housing arrangements, so be sure to reach out early. Find out more about Housing options through LJMU here.


The Times of London described Liverpool as ‘the coolest place to live in the UK’. You will be surrounded by diversity. The city is home to Europe’s oldest Chinatown, and its Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Somalian and Nigerian communities are just a few of the other nationalities that are well established in Liverpool – as the many places of religious worship across the city reflect. Liverpool has more galleries and museums, including Tate Liverpool and the Museum of Liverpool Life, than any other city outside London and boasts outstanding architecture around virtually every corner. Liverpool’s world-famous waterfront is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, like the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Plus, it's the home of the Beatles and you're able to take part in sites important to their early days!


This exchange is open to CUNY students only, who have a minimum of a 2.75 GPA.  An interview is required for all exchange programs.

Dates & Costs

Below you will find the current dates and costs for all terms available.  Please note all dates and costs are subject to change.

    Fall     Mid - September to Mid - January
    Spring      Early - Mid - January to Early May            

Students will be required to pay CSI/CUNY full-time tuition prior to departure for the program. No additional tuition is charged by LJMU. 

Estimated Additional Costs (per semester): Airfare $700-1200; Housing and Meals $4000 - 6000; Visa fees (if applicable); Miscellaneous Expenses $1500.  Be sure to budget additional funds if you plan to do independent travel.

LJMU provides scholarships based on course of study and background. Find more information and apply here.

Application deadlines:
Fall:         March 1
Spring:    October 1
Please ask for application cycles currently open, and any applicable extensions.

Geology of Scotland


Earn four credits this summer exploring the landscape of Scotland!  The soaring mountains, low lying valleys, fjords, river ways, and rolling hills of Scotland invoke visions of beauty and serenity.  For a geologist, Scotland provides endless encounters with the land and every turn.  This faculty-led course on Scottish Field Geography is designed to allow you to follow in the footsteps of the first geologists with visits to field sites where many of the major discoveries in geology were first made. 

Information sheet
Advisor Stephen Ferst
Advisor Email Stephen.Ferst@csi.cuny.edu
Minimum GPA 2.5
Class Standing Freshman, Junior, Senior, Sophomore
Min Required Number of College Credits Completed in Order to Apply 12
Language of Instruction English
Areas of Study Geology
Housing Option Apartment, Dorm
Program Open to CSI Students, Other CUNY Students


This program will explore the science of major geological discoveries in Scotland while placing them in a historical context.  During the days students  will learn about influential geologists, their major discoveries, and how their original work has been updated and used in the present day. In doing so, participants will learn both the history and the science of the concepts in geology. During the program, there is ample opportunity to visit relevant field sites and to participate in exercises in note taking, mapping, and interpreting the field sites while earning credit back at CSI.


While in the historic city of Edinburgh, you will live in furnished apartments or halls of residence.  All halls are centrally located in the city and are near museums, shopping, cultural sites, and local transportation as well as numerous  local restaurants and cafés.  Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and is located on the Firth of Forth's southern shore.  It has served as the capital of Scotland since at least the 15th century and is the current seat of the Scottish Government, Parliament, and the supreme courts. The city has a long heritage as a center of education and culture.  Its nearly half-million residents create a bustling city and its historical and cultural attractions have made it the United Kingdom's second most popular tourist destination. 


While in Edinburgh you can spend your free time visiting the National Museum of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland and the Scottish National Gallery as well as the many restaurants, pubs, and other historic sites including the Edinburgh Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, and the churches of St. Giles, Greyfriars and the Canongate.  


Minimum 2.5 GPA required.  Minimum 12 completed credits at the time of application.  PREREQUISITES — Instructor Consent Required.

Dates & Costs

Below you will find the current dates and costs for all terms available.  Please note all dates and costs are subject to change.

Next possible session Summer 2023:  June 30 to July 21  2019 Cost:  $3,650

Program Cost includes:
On-site program instruction and activities, housing (twin rooms), breakfasts, excursions, local and domestic administration, international medical and accident insurance, and orientation. 

Program Cost does not include:
CUNY tuition (4 credits), International airfare NYC-Edinburgh ~$1,000, meals (breakfast is included); Personal Expenses, passport and other fees. 

Application Deadline:
April 15