Experience Music through Movement Games: An Introduction to Dalcroze Eurhythmics

In fact, it makes many senses: listening, of course, and seeing, too. But also, kinesthesia. When you sense music through your own body movements, you “proprioceive” it—you feel it inwardly, as a muscular sensation. In turn, by exploring the various ways music makes you feel, you discover ways to express musical sensations through your movements. You hear vigorously rhythmic music—a march, for example—and you step in time with the music, vigorously enacting the beat. You are learning through movement games that connect your actions, reactions, and interactions to the growing musical understanding you and others are forging. It’s delightful. Come dressed comfortably, ready to kick off your shoes and move through the Dance Studio (where wearing shoes is not allowed).

RSVP Here: https://forms.office.com/r/X5ef7KUYUh Presenter: William R. Bauer, PhD; Diploma, Advanced Studies in Dalcroze Eurhythmics; Music Program Coordinator, Department of Performing and Creative Arts (CSI)

Center for Teaching and Learning
Date: Feb 27 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm
2800 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island
Phone: 718.982.4007
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