Kalani Hetti specializes in condensed matter physics, in particular the origin of exotic quantum phases that show complex interesting nontrivial states. Further, she uses computational methods based on density functional theory to calculate materials’ electronic, magnetic and phonon properties and predict new material with exceptional physical properties. She loves to teach and inspire her students in science. Her focus is to educate students by planning and implementing new teaching methodologies to promote interdisciplinary education among physics and science classes by creating a connection to physics educational research.
Before joining the College of Staten Island faculty, Kalani Hetti held a postdoctoral position at the Center for Computational Technology and Physics at Louisiana State University. She also worked as temporary full-time physics faculty at the College of New Jersey and at Seton Hall University.
PhD, Louisiana State University, USA
MS, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway
BS Highest honors, University of Peradeniya, SriLanka
Scholarships and Publications
- Neel Haldolaarachchige, Kalani Hettiaarachchilage.” Comparison of student performance between virtual and in-person modalities of introductory calculus-based physics.” Physics Education, 57, (6) (2022).
- J. Howar, J. Steier, N. Haldolaarachchige, K. Hettiaarachchilage." Computational Prediction of New series of Topological Ternary Compounds LaXS(X=Si, Ge, Sn) from First Principles.” J 4(4), 577-588 (2021).
- K Hettiarachchilage, C Moore, VG Rousseau, K-M Tam, M Jarrell, J Moreno. "Local Density of the Bose Glass Phase." Phys. Rev. B 94 (14), 144514 (2018).
- Neel Haldolaarachchige, Leslie Schoop, Mojammel A. Khan, Wenxuan Huang, Huiwen Ji, Kalani Hettiarachchilage, David P. Young. "d-band Derived Superconductivity in the Lanthanum-Iridium System LaIr3." (2017).
- VG Rousseau, K Hettiarachchilage, KM Tam, M Jarrell, J Moreno. "Bose-Hubbard Model on a triangular lattice with diamond ring exchange." Phys. Rev. B, 94 (14), 144514 (2016).
- Kalani Hettiarachchilage, Valéry G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno. "Ferromagnetic Phase Separated Region in the Polarized Two-species Bose Hubbard Model." Phys. Rev. B, 90, 205104 (2014).
- Kalani Hettiarachchilage, Valéry G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno. “Complex phases in the doped two-species bosonic Hubbard Model.” Phys. Rev. B 88, 161101(R) (2013).
- Kalani Hettiarachchilage, Valéry G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno, “Phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model on a ring-shaped lattice with tunable weak links.” Phys. Rev. A 87, 051607(R) (2013).
- V.G. Rousseau, K. Hettiarachchilage, M. Jarrell, J. Moreno. “Using off-diagonal confinement as a cooling method.” Phys. Rev. A, 82, 063631, (2010).

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