Professor Emerita of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Sussman is internationally recognized for her research that focuses on the psychological consequences of cultural transitions and return migration. She was awarded the prestigious SIETAR Interculturalist Award and has been elected a Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Research and the American Psychological Association. She has presented more than 50 papers at professional meetings including the International Association of Cross-cultural Psychology, the Japan and the American Psychological Associations. Dr. Sussman has published many book chapters and research articles in journals including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Review, the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, and the Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology. Her research has been featured in the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), the China Daily, the Shanghai Daily, USA Today, Wikipedia, and numerous blogs on cross-cultural transitions. She is past-President of the International Academy for Intercultural Research.
PhD, University of Kansas
MA, University of Kansas
BA, University of Pittsburgh
Scholarship and Publications
- 2014 Zhuang, E.P. & Sussman, N.M. Intercultural communication. Beijing: Beijing. International Studies University Press.
- 2012 Sussman, N.M. Re-forming family among re-migrants: Hong Kongers come home. In K.B. Chan (Eds.), Springer International Handbook of Chinese Families. New York: Springer.
- 2011 Sussman, N.M. & Truong, N.* Body image and eating disorder among immigrants. In V.R. Preedy, R.R. Watson, & C.R. Martin (Eds.), The Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition (pp. 3241-3254). London: Springer Science+Business Media. DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-92271-3_202.
- 2011 Sussman, N.M. Working abroad and expatriate adjustment: Three disciplinary lenses for exploring the psychological transition cycle of international employees. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5/7, 393-409, DOI 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2011.00361.x
- 2011 Sussman, N.M. & Truong, N.* Please extinguish all cigarettes: Effects of acculturation and gender on smoking attitudes and smoking prevalence of Russian and Chinese immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35(2), 163-178.
- 2011 Sussman, N.M. Disordered eating among immigrants. Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health. New York: Springer Science+Business.
- 2010 Sussman, N.M. Return migration and identity: A global phenomenon, A Hong Kong case. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- 2007 Sussman, N.M., Truong, N.,* & Lim, J.* Who experiences “American the beautiful’? Ethnicity moderation the effect of acculturation on body image and risks for eating disorders among immigrant women. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31 (1), 29-49.
- 2003-4 Fulbright Research Fellowship, Hong Kong