SUMMER 2024 RESEARCH SERIES: Gateway to Science: Experiments and Computations in Chemistry
(1) Learn the tricks of the trade of being an experimental and computational researcher
(2) Use experimental techniques to study proteins
(3) Use modern computational approaches to simulate biological systems
(4) Combine modern experimental and computational techniques to achieve fundamental understanding of chemistry in a biological system
• Experiencing the life of a chemist working in experimental labs
• Learning the basics of protein characterization and computational modeling
• Working side-by-side with graduate students and professors at the College of Staten Island
• Rupal Gupta, PhD; Professor of Chemistry; PhD Programs in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
• Angelo Bongiorno, PhD; Professor of Chemistry; PhD Programs in Chemistry and Physics, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
To Apply: Complete the short application online—access the link or copy and paste the URL:
Application Deadline: Friday, July 5
Number of Seats: 15 seats available in the program and applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Accepted
participants are expected to promptly reply and accept our offer
When: 07/08/2024 – 07/18/2024 (two weeks), Four days a week (Monday-Thursday) from 10:00am-1:00pm
Location: Biological and Chemical Sciences Building (6S)
Open to curious undergraduate students at CSI wondering if research is for you OR high school students (preferably who have applied and accepted our offer of admission for the Fall 2024 semester)
• Meet minimum academic standards (85.0 Grade Point Average, unweighted; high grades in Math and Science courses). No Advanced Placement (AP) in Biology and/or Chemistry course necessary
• Students with a genuine interest in the sciences but who are not pursuing a science curriculum are welcome to apply as long as they have completed a course in Chemistry.
Parking: Lot 2
Campus Map: