
Mathematics Department Overview

With approximately 25 full-time faculty members representing several major fields of current research, the Department of Mathematics of the College of Staten Island offers courses for mathematics, engineering, and science students, as well as service courses for the general student body. We offer Bachelor of Science degrees with an emphasis on graduate school preparation, secondary school teaching, and a joint degree with computer science.  Many of our majors become involved in faculty-mentored undergraduate research projects.  Our regular faculty conduct research in a wide variety of areas of pure and applied mathematics, and many faculty in the department contribute to, and organize, research activities at the CUNY Graduate Center in Manhattan.  Our faculty also supervise doctoral students at the Graduate Center, and participate in research seminars and colloquia with neighboring institutions.


A joint BS degree offered by the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics that provides a balance between these two disciplines.


There are three major emphases for the BS degree in Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, and Secondary Education.


For students who wish to be recommended for New York State certification for teaching mathematics at the secondary level (grades 7 - 12).

Department Contact

Math Office

Building 1S, Room 215
Email Math Office

Dr. Abhijit Champanerkar,

Acting Chairperson

Building 1S, Room 230
Email Dr. Abhijit Champanerkar,


Anthony Conte

Building 1S, Room 223
Email Advisor