
Additional Navigation

Navigate CSI can be used to communicate with the students in your classes, record notes on your meetings with students, submit progress reports for students in your courses, and view student profiles (cumulative GPA, most recent enrollment, and class schedule).

All faculty teaching a course in the current term can access Navigate CSI (https://csi-cuny.campus.eab.com/) by using your CUNY login credentials to log in (firstname.lastname+last two digits of your CUNY EMPLID (don't need to include @login.cuny.edu). For the best results use Chrome or Firefox browser for best results.

If you encounter difficulty logging into the Navigate CSI, please log into CUNYfirst to make sure you do not need to reset your CUNYfirst password. If you cannot log in to CUNYfirst, you will not be able to log into Navigate CSI. If you are still experiencing issues, please email navigate@csi.cuny.edu.

The Professor Home page is where instructors can view their class listing and students in their classes for the current semester.  If you have been assigned an advisor role in Navigate CSI, you will need to use the down arrow to toggle between your Staff Home and Professor Home pages.

Class Listing 

If you are teaching a course in the current term, the course information will be outlined in the Class Listing section of Professor Home. This includes the class name, the time and room (if specified).

Students in My Classes

If you are teaching a course in the current term, the Students In My Classes table gives you a quick and easy way to see and interact with all of the students in your classes. In the main student grid, you will notice several key pieces of information next to each student’s name: Category and Course. You can take “action” on a student or students in your classes by checking the box in front of their names and selecting the Actions menu on the dark gray bar under Students in My Classes. Common actions include sending messages or creating notes.

Send Messages

You can message a student using Navigate CSI by either email or text without having to separately look up the email address or phone number. Under Students in My Classes, check the box in front of the student’s name, select the Actions menu on the dark gray bar to Send Message. You will see the student’s name at the top of the box. The message box defaults to Send E-Mail.

  • To Send E-Mail (Campus) fill in the Subject and the Message body, attach a file, as needed, and click Send Message. You can copy your signature line from Outlook and paste in if you like.
  • To Send Text (cell phone in CUNYfirst) select the Send Text tab at the top of the message dialogue box. You are limited to 160 characters. Note that the phone number that students see will not indicate that the message is coming from the College of Staten Island, so good practice would be to include identifying information in the text body, perhaps in a first text indicating who is sending and a second text with the message. If texting 100 or fewer students, the students may respond back. If texting more than 100 students, it will be sent as a one-way text.

Sent messages and responses appear as a list in your Conversations tab (envelope icon) on the left bar, so consider listing the student name or other helpful details in the subject line. Email and text responses also are sent to your Outlook account. Text messages can be responded to as emails from Outlook, or as texts out of Conversations (More tab) in Navigate.

Recording a Note

You can add a Note to record basic details of a student meeting, or information that could benefit another staff member assisting the student. Notes connect the dots between CSI faculty, advisors, and staff who interact with a student for that student’s overall success. For example, if an advisor recommends that a struggling student meet with their instructor to discuss class concerns, the instructor can record a note with brief details of the meeting to let the advisor know that the student followed through.

Under Students in My Classes, check the box in front of the student’s name and select the Actions menu on the dark gray bar to Add a Note. You will see the student’s name at the top of the box. 

  • Add any text you wish in the large text box. 
  • From Note Reason on the right, choose “Professor Notes.”
  • All notes become viewable by other staff.
  • If you want to make the note visible to the student, check the box next to the student name under Visibility.

Notes Guidance

Some general note-keeping guidelines to protect student confidentiality:

  • Include in notes: Brief information that will help advisors or other staff who interact with the student understand the student’s course-related issues or the advice that you have given, and if appropriate, possible consequences of not following the advice given. Include referrals of a non-sensitive or general nature, but leave out details.
  • Exclude from notes: Subjective judgments, personal concerns, referrals of a sensitive or personal nature, and comments regarding other instructors or other staff members.

Leaving a brief note documents that a meeting took place, and allows other staff assisting a student to contact you separately by phone as needed. You may also consider keeping your own personal notes outside of Navigate if you would like to remember additional details.

My Assigned Students

The My Assigned Students grid gives you an overview of the students assigned to you as a faculty advisor for the current term. In addition to the student name, you can also see any applicable category information. If you do not see a My Assigned Students grid, it is likely that no students have been assigned to you for the current term.

Progress Reports in Navigate CSI allow faculty to identify students who may be exhibiting academic challenges in their courses and may need additional resources to complete the course successfully. Starting last Spring, faculty can now submit POSITIVE Progress Reports to give kudos to students doing well.  Only currently registered students will appear on the Progress Report Campaign request or an ad Hoc Progress Report.  Students marked as not in attendance on the VOE Roster or have an assigned grade of WN or W for the course will not appear on the report.

A Progress Report can be submitted two ways:

1. A Progress Report Campaign request will be sent twice a semester (Fall, Spring) from the Office of Academic Affairs to faculty/course instructors to solicit feedback about the students in their classes. Faculty/Instructors will use the direct link provided in the email message to submit feedback or you may log in to Navigate CSI to submit your feedback. The first Progress Report will be sent after the VOE (WN grades) have been assigned.  The second Progress Report will be sent midterm.

2. Faculty/Instructors may also submit an ad hoc Progress Report to a student or a group of students at any time during the semester when there is a concern. To submit an ad hoc Progress Report, faculty/instructors must log in to their Navigate CSI account.

How to Submit a Progress Report Campaign Request

1. Click on the link included in the email message from the Office of Academic Affairs or copy and paste the link into your internet browser. If you did not receive the email, log in to in (CUNY login credentials) to their Navigate CSI account.
2. You only need to select “Yes” for the students you would like to submit feedback for.
3. Select one or more of the following:

  • PR: Contact Your Course Instructor Immediately (Early)
  • PR: At Risk of Receiving a Grade of D or lower (Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Missing or Late Assignments (Early, Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Participation/Attendance Concern (Early, Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Tutoring Recommend (Early, Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Keep up the Good Work! (Early, Mid-Semester)

4. If you are finished entering your submissions select the “I’m all done” button.  This action will submit the progress report for all students. You don’t need to select “No” for those students you are not submitting feedback for.
5. If you are not finished entering your submissions for all the students and want to come back later to complete your list select “But I’m not done” button.  This action will submit the progress report for the students you have marked “Yes or No” and effectively remove them from your list.  When you return to finish entering your submissions for the remainder of the students on your list select the “I’m all done” button.  Please make sure you submit by the deadline.
6. If you have no students that you are submitting feedback for select the "I'm all done" button. This action will submit the progress report for all students.
7. Once your feedback is submitted you will receive a notification email that your progress report has been received, and each student you have submitted feedback for will receive an email notification on which faculty/instructor reported on their academic performance.


How To Submit an Ad Hoc Progress Report 

1. Log in (CUNY login credentials) to Navigate CSI.
2. Under Class Listing select the Progress Reports hyperlink associated with the course.
3. If you have previously submitted Progress Reports for students in this course, they will display.
4. To Create a new Progress Report check the box next to the student(s) name.
5. Using the Actions dropdown arrow select “Create a New Progress Report”. 
6. Select "Yes" to submit feedback through the “Add a New Progress Report Window”.

  • PR: Contact Your Course Instructor Immediately (Early)
  • PR: At Risk of Receiving a Grade of D or lower (Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Missing or Late Assignments (Early, Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Participation/Attendance Concern (Early, Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Tutoring Recommend (Early, Mid-Semester)
  • PR: Keep up the Good Work! (Early, Mid-Semester)

7. Submit Report


Notification To Students

Once your feedback is submitted you will receive a notification email that your progress report has been received, and each student you have submitted feedback for will receive an email notification on which faculty/instructor reported on their academic performance. Below are the Progress Report (PR) reasons and associated student messages.

PR: Contact Your Course Instructor Immediately (Early)

Student Message: Please contact your advisor.  In most cases, you can contact your academic advisor using Navigate CSI or Navigate Student app or refer to the student center page of CUNYfirst, for a link to their email address.

PR: At Risk of Receiving a Grade of D or lower (Mid-Semester)

Student Message: You are at risk of receiving a grade of "D" or below in {course_number}. Here are some things you can do to improve:

  • Talk to your professor to develop a plan to get back on track.
  •  Use Navigate CSI or Navigate Student app to contact your professor or refer to the course syllabus for their contact information.
  • Seek Tutoring. Visit the Tutoring Website for a complete list of tutoring centers.
  • If you are considering withdrawing, you may want to discuss this with your academic advisor and the Office of Financial Aid, if you receive aid. The deadline to withdraw from a course for the Semester YYYY semester is Month/Date.

PR: Missing or Late Assignments (Early, Mid-Semester)

Student Message: Some of your assignments are missing or have been submitted late for {course_number}. Learning how to manage your time is an important part of success in college.  If you are having difficulty completing your assignments, contact your professor using Navigate CSI, Navigate Student app, or refer to the course syllabus for their contact information.

PR: Participation/Attendance Concern (Early, Mid-Semester)

Student Message: Class participation and regular attendance in {course_number} are some ways to successfully complete your coursework. How can we help you?

  • If you are experiencing any health and wellness issues, please contact Health and Wellness Services  at 718.982.3045 or email healthcenter@csi.cuny.edu
  • If you want to speak with someone about your personal, emotional, and mental well-being, please contact the Counseling Center at 718.982.2391 or email counseling@csi.cuny.edu
  • If you have any concerns about financial aid or paying for college, please contact Financial Aid at 718.982.2760 or email financialaid@csi.cuny.edu

PR: Tutoring Recommend (Early, Mid-Semester)

Student Message: Your Professor recommends that you seek tutoring for {course_number}.  For a complete list of the free tutoring services available at CSI, please visit the Tutoring Website. Your academic success is important to us. We are here to help.

PR: Keep up the Good Work! (Early, Mid-Semester)

Student Message: You are doing great work in {course_number}. Keep it up! Make sure you stay informed of important dates and deadlines. Good luck with the remainder of the semester.