Readmit and Returning Students

Welcome Back!

We are so happy that you have decided to return to your studies.  CAAS is here to help get you back on track.

Regardless of your total number of credits, CAAS will assist you during your transition back; we will review your academic record and assist with advisement and registration.  Some things may have changed since you were last here.  This is why we encourage you to meet with one of our Readmission Advisors.  

If you are returning with 45 or more earned credits, and have not yet declared a major, we will assist with major exploration and declaration; students must declare a major by the time they have earned 45 credits.  If you are an upperclassman, CAAS will work with the academic department of your respective major to ensure a smooth transition.  You will be assigned a faculty advisor within your academic department who will serve as your advisor and mentor for the remainder of your academic career.  

 We are pleased to work with you as you recommit to your studies and academic goals.  We will ensure that your transition back accommodates your needs, while moving forward towards degree completion.