
Dr. Zaghloul Ahmed
Zaghloul Ahmed
Professor and Chairperson
Dr. Zaghloul Ahmed, the chair and program director of the Physical Therapy Department and a Neuroscience and Motor Control Professor at the College of Staten Island/CUNY, is a leading figure in the fi Read more..
Assistant Professor Karen Arca-Contreras
Karen Arca-Contreras
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Nursing, Success Coaching Program Coordinator, Deputy Chairperson I have over 30 plus experience in nursing. I have worked in various positions: staff nurse, assistant nurse man Read more..
Paul Archibald, Social Work Assistant Professor
Dr. Paul C. Archibald
Assistant Professor
Dr. Paul Archibald is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York (CSI). He comes to CSI from Morgan State University School of Read more..
Dr. Jean-Philippe Berteau
Jean-Philippe Berteau
Associate Professor
Dr. Berteau is an educator and researcher with extensive experience in Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering, and Clinical Sciences. His primary focus is on the biology and mechanical behavior of bones Read more..
Susan J. Brillhart
Susan Brillhart
Assistant Professor
Susan J. Brillhart, PhD, RN, PNP-BC Dr. Brillhart has a BS in Nursing from the University of Connecticut, an MS in Nursing from the College of New Rochelle, a Post-Master’s Pediatric Nurse Practitione Read more..
Sonia Brown
Sonia has a Doctor of Social Work degree from Kutztown University, PA; a Master of Arts in Social Work degree from Loyola University, IL; a Master of Arts in Sociology degree from DePaul University, I Read more..
Vandana Chaudhry
Associate Professor
Vandana Chaudhry is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work at the City University of New York – College of Staten Island. Dr. Chaudhry joined CSI in 2012 after completing her PhD in S Read more..
Michael Chiacchiero
Associate Professor
Since beginning his career as a physical therapist in 1995, Dr. Chiacchiero has treated patients throughout the health care continuum beginning in the Acute Care Hospital through Inpatient Rehabilitat Read more..
Danna Curcio
Danna Curcio
Associate Professor
Dr. Danna L. Curcio is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society in Nursing as well as a member of the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.  Most recently, she w Read more..
Heyward Michael Dreher
Heyward Michael Dreher
Professor, Interim Dean, School of Health Sciences & Acting Chair
PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF Dr. Heyward Michael Dreher is currently the Interim Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Acting Chair of the Department of Nursing at the College of Staten Island. Before this Read more..