Services and Funding


The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research has the responsibility for all aspects of grants information and administration.  The Associate Director and Director serve as a resource in identifying potential funding sources, preparing proposals and budgets, coordinating with all appropriate college departments, overseeing compliance with college, university and government regulations relating to grants, acting as liaison with granting agencies and protecting the college's interests vis-à-vis grants and contracts.  In addition, the Office oversees post-award administration of all grants and contracts, serves as a liaison with RF/CUNY for fiscal or administrative problems, and administers certain institutional grant accounts.

Funding Services

Grant Forward:

We encourage you to search the world’s most comprehensive grant funding database, Pivot, to which the Research Foundation of CUNY subscribes for each campus. Pivot is for all disciplines, including the social sciences and humanities. It provides investigators with electronic access to search current funding opportunities – over 20,000 of them. You can locate funding for research, collaborative projects, fellowships, travel, equipment, training grants, meetings/conferences/seminars, artistic pursuits, publishing, postdocs, among the many offerings. It is easy to use and available through your on-campus computer. If you first create a personal account, then you can access the database remotely. Search results can be saved and shared via email with colleagues and collaborators.Simply visit the Pivot homepage.

Another search tool that is extremely useful is Through this website, you can search for funding sources, download applications, and apply for funding.